DUBAI, UAE, March 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In a world first, the International Security Alliance’s virtual cybersecurity exercise – ISALEX 2.0 – kicked off today. Hosted at EXPO 2020 Dubai, it will be the first exercise of its kind to be held in the Metaverse. The unique simulation aims to bolster cybersecurity, while ensuring the readiness of alliance members to confront future threats through innovative, forward-looking solutions.
50 representatives drawn from the ministries of interior and law enforcement agencies from nine ISA member states will take part in ISALEX 2.0, where they will face several real-world security scenarios. The teams will be positioned in operating rooms and command and control centers across all participating countries. They will communicate both in virtual reality and through videoconferencing technologies. The UAE Ministry of Interior has set up its own operations room within Expo 2020.