How it all started
How it all started
In March 2014, world leaders gathered in The Hague for the Nuclear Security Summit. Part of the packed agenda was a “focused policy debate” on the implications of a realistic terrorist threat. But how? Scenarios4 (before Scenarios4summits) took the challenge to deliver tangible results and meaningful takeaways using very intense scenarios filmed with real actors. The world leaders experienced that one session of a Scenarios4 SBPD (Scenario Based Policy Discussion) is more effective than 10 meetings.
It proved to be a key factor to the success of the NSS and marked the birth of a game-changing concept. Nowadays, the world of conferences, summits and exhinitions has changed. Trainings and learning events have been impacted as well. A new approach is needed to change the sector altogether. Still, we don’t want to compromise to create an event in a different way. No, we want to use all the new technical possibilities to upgrade to a ‘new normal’ of event experiences. So, no substitute but a better method.
Meet our scenario team
Get to know the people behind Scenarios4.

Mark Stoop
Managing DirectorMark's projects cover the whole World. He was part of a Global Missile Defence Wargame while working for a Dutch Research Institute TNO and has worked on significant projects for Governments, NATO and Industry. In 2014 he worked for Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and set up Scenarios4 after supporting the Nuclear Security Summit. His expertise is on International Affairs, Defence, Organisation Strategy, Marketing and Sales. He is also our film director for the S4S films.

Fried-Jan van den Eerenbeemt
Creative DirectorAs a Co-founder of Scenarios4, Fried-Jan has more then 25 years of experience in the media, TV and film industry. He has worked for international companies and governments using the latest technologies like Virtual reality, virtual production, augmented reality, the metaverse , live-streaming and much more. With his love for innovation Scenarios4 is always adapting new technologies to make sure our clients are always frontrunners.

Erik Frinking
PartnerErik joined Scenarios4 in 2019. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in cyber policy, national security, and the crossover of new technology and security. Over the past 30 years, he has worked with many different types of security organizations of NATO, the Dutch government and the European Commission. At Scenarios4, Erik manages projects in the national security domain as well as script development and exercise design. Previously, he was a member of the management team at HCSS (2008-2018), a senior policy analyst at TNO (2006-2008), and a program director at RAND Europe (1992-2006).

Tomas Naessens
Partner/Visual DirectorSince 2016, Tomas has been working for Scenarios4 as an audio-visual specialist. He has worked on different films & events and is always looking for the latest developments in the field of film such as virtual reality, augmented reality and virtual production. Furthermore, Tomas has worked on various live productions as a technical director.
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